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Inter-Agency Learning

The Yemen Conflict Sensitivity Platform enables inter-agency lesson-sharing and learning on aid policy and practice, with both implementing agencies and donors, to boost the overall conflict sensitivity of aid in Yemen. Through two working groups of aid agencies and donors, the Platform provides technical support and advice on conflict sensitivity to the aid community, across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus.  

A Technical Working Group of implementing agencies meets quarterly to share best practice on conflict sensitivity in Yemen and enable collective conflict sensitive responses. The Donor Advisory Group identifies concrete measures to respond to upcoming critical conflict sensitivity challenges for aid delivery in Yemen and promote and encourage conflict sensitive practice among aid delivery agencies. The Platform supports these efforts by providing inputs and findings from ongoing conflict analysis, developing guidance and recommendations on priority issues, and facilitating reflection and learning. 

For more information about these groups, please contact the Platform below, and to access additional information and the discussion forum please register or log-in.